In November 2019, we held a Vision Sunday at which Adele presented the emerging vision for St Mary’s:
In 2022 we hope to say: ‘St Mary’s is a community of deep faith, relevant and accessible to all and that reaches beyond its building.’
Three priorities have emerged from conversations over recent years - Open, Connected and Equipped.
Vision Priorities

Open Church
Improving and expanding our facilities to be welcoming and accessible to all.
Developing a Parish Hub on site, with office and midweek activities.

Making Connections
Improving communication both within our church community and out into the parish.
Building on existing relationships within the parish and developing.

Equipped for Mission
Equipping ourselves as disciples through prayer, study and active learning.
Responding to God’s call to engage in the five marks of mission.
These priorities are ‘work in progress’ and we will develop them over time. If you have expertise to offer or would like to be involved in moving any of these areas forward, please contact Adele at rev.adele@stmaryincharnwood.org.uk