Following the recent government announcement, we are considering how and when we transition back to worship in the building. We want to do this with loving care and will of course be adhering to COVID guidelines. As it seems likely that social distancing may be with us for some time yet, there is an obvious impact on numbers able to attend. Current 2m spacing means we can seat a congregation of 12 and we are trying to factor that into our planning.
To help us, it would be helpful to know how you are feeling about returning to the building and what services you might be interested to attend. Please answer the following questions, adding any comments or explanation alongside if you would like:
Q1. How are you feeling about returning to worship in the building and is there anything we could do to make it easier?
Q2. If we were to offer a simple communion service again (bread only) on a Sunday morning in the building, starting sometime in March, would you like to attend?
Q3. On Easter Sunday (April 4th) our main service will be on YouTube - an All Age Celebration with ‘spiritual communion’. If we were to also offer a simple communion service in the building (or multiple services, depending on numbers), would you like to attend?
Q4. At some point after Easter, we hope to begin ‘streaming’ our YouTube service live from the building on a Sunday (rather than pre-recorded in the week). A small congregation could then attend in person. We may have to listen to the songs instead of singing, but otherwise the service would be as ‘normal’ as possible. Would you like to attend the main Sunday worship service in person once this is possible?
Q5. As the live-streamed service would not always be communion, we would probably look to also offer a simple communion service at another time on Sunday. Would you like to attend a simple communion service?
Q6. Any other comments or suggestions and please leave your name if you feel able to.